When I decided to apply for a Masters course, I had totally forgotten about the stress that is applications.
Last time I had to worry about filling one of these in was about 4 years ago... Now I'm having a sense of déjà vu every time I yell at the screen willing my statement to write itself.
Its the same concept as cover letters, you shamelessly lie about your level of awesomeness in order for the Uni to accept you.
Fortunately, I managed to get into my course *cue for applause* so I thought to myself:
'Phew, so glad that's the last statement I'll ever have to write.'
Now my sister is applying for university herself... and she has shamelessly coerced me into 'helping' her write hers.
And by 'helping', I mean she writes me a list of ideas and we Skype. And then I end up rephrasing everything because 'it sounded so much better when you said it' and my sister seems to have forgotten how to structure an actual sentence.
Lies, I'm sure... but she's willing to suck up if it means I'll do most of the work!
Sisters can be sneakily clever that way... although I'm pretty easy when it comes to being coerced. Put anything chocolate related that's edible in my way and I'll happily be your slave for day* (or a couple of hours... depends on what treat I get).
And boy does she know this... I find myself editing most of her work and helping her with assignments.
Luckily she keeps me well supplied with new music and book recommendations, so a possible win-win situation?
Well... we'll see if she gets accepted with my awesome personal statement advice.
If not... It was nice knowing you all :)
*conditions apply