So we've all had to do one at some point during our degree. Whether it's because your computer had a meltdown, you forgot the deadline or you were simply too lazy to actually write it (yeah... I've done all three) an all-nighter is sometimes the only way out.
Those dreaded deadlines seem to pile up on each other. I keep picturing evil lecturers gathering together asking themselves, "Are these deadlines too far apart? Of course they are! Lets put them all in the same week, I'm sure the students will appreciate it." *evil laughter*
So as deadlines loom closer, students start gathering in the library, searching for the perfect quotes to put in their essays. But, obviously, the library operates on a 'first come, first served' policy resulting in the best (and sometimes only) texts on the subject being taken and held hostage until after the hand-in.
Sometimes, you do get lucky and manage to stumble across some obscure text your classmates have overlooked. This is when you do your happy dance, earning weirded out stares from library workers. Oh well... totally worth it.
So it comes down to camping out in the library, which involves venturing to Tesco in search of munchies and energy drinks, and picking out your comfiest outfit (some people just go in their pjs) and settling down for the night. It usually helps to have a friend in the same situation to keep you motivated.
And what happens next can be one of two things:
1) You actually sit down and start writing, getting a good head start and finishing off in time for a quick nap before your hand-in or
2) You procrastinate on Facebook, or stare blankly at the wall until you realise it's 6:30am and you have written only your name and the essay title in a Word document. So you panic and power type probably the best essay you've ever written (writing under pressure tends to do that for me).
If you're a no. 2) kind of person, you'll probably be seen swearing at the printers 10 minutes before hand-in and sprinting to reception praying you get there on time.
But when you do finally hand it in, a massive weight gets lifted off your shoulders and as you slowly make your way to the SU bar for a well deserved drink you make the following promise:
'Next time, I'll do it all a week in advance. No more all nighters.'
... Like hell you will.
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